Checking Functions and Calculations

Units of Calculation Results

Results units’ settings can be done from command “CFG”. You can select, whether the results of volume, mass, moment of inertia and surface area calculation will be displayed in:

Volume, Mass, Surface and Moment of Inertia Calculations

Volume, Mass Center of Gravity - VOL

Select the objects. The calculation provides object volume and coordinates of the center of gravity. You can then select the mass density from the list of materials, or enter the mass density manually, to recalculate the mass. If multiple objects are selected, the calculation incorporates all objects into the results.

Surface Area - SAR

Select the objects for surface area calculation. If multiple objects are selected, the calculation incorporates all objects into the results.

Moment of Inertia - MIN

Define the axis about which the inertia is calculated and select the objects. The moment of inertia is calculated, and you can select or enter the mass density to change calculated result. If multiple objects are selected, the calculation incorporates all objects into the results.

Checking and Measuring Geometry

Some of these functions require location input. For more information, see Defining 3D Locations.

3D Coordinates - 3DCO

Displays 3D coordinates of a selected point.

3D Distance - 3DD

Displays the distance between two selected points and DX, DY, DZ between the points.

Distance Point Plane - DPP

Measures the shortest distance between a point and a plane.

Distance Point Cylinder - DPC

Measures the shortest distance between a point and a cylindrical surface, as well as the radius of the cylinder and distance to cylinder axis.

Cylinder Dimensions - SCY

Displays dimensions of a cylindrical surface.

Angle between Planes - APL

Measures the angle between two planes.

3D Object Information - ODT3

Displays information about a selected 3D object, including name and attributes, membership in solid groups and identical copy groups, and definition of any sections.

3D Space Information - STAT

Displays information about all objects in the 3D space, including number of solids, number of blanked solids, defined sections, assembly links and defined groups.